Gli strumenti dell’incontro
This volume collects the articles presented during the International Workshop held in Turin on the 4th of June 2018, the 26th of November 2018 and the 18th of February 2019, and is intended as a synthesis of the themes that emerged during the numerous talks and round tables; the results of the three days of workshop are further summarised and elaborated in the concluding summary.
During the three days of meetings, presentations alternated with moments for discussions and engagement between researchers and social workers, teachers and archaeologists, educators and curators, activists and professional students who also had experience in the field. The objective was to avoid simply having a theoretical approach to the topic of migration. The “usefulness” of the workshop had to pass through the concreteness of experiences, the sharing of results – both successes and failures – and the possibility of set out a horizon within which realistically place future efforts and projects.
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Format: File PDF
ISBN: 9788857018942
File size: 8,72 MB
Pages: 92
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